20-Strand Naiki Gumi "Flat" Bracelet (Click for more colors)

$ 25.00

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The 20-Strand "Flat" Bracelet is really, really fun and really, really addictive. The possibilities are endless and one idea leads to another and then to another. Learn the braid structure and then expand from there. 

This kits contains 2 patterns. The first pattern is the instructions for the 20-Strand braid. I have included the "Big" picture concept of the braid, detailed diagrams of each move, helpful hints and tips about the braid structure. The second pattern is the instructions to make the bracelet and finish the ends. After you master the braid it is super fun to try with other fibers, especially the Kumihimo Rayon Gimp, Kumihimo Rayon Ribbon, Shimmer Tubular Yarn, the new Kumihimo Gala Ribbon and the Frilly Novelty Yarn. The variegated colored fibers are so much fun as you get to watch the colors evolve. It is also really interesting to combine the fibers. There is no limit to what you can do. Experimentation is fun. I figure it takes about 10 yards total to make a bracelet. Use you imagination once you feel comfortable with the braid structure. 

You will need: Kumihimo Disk (I really like the BeadSmith Mini ($3.00) – I like the way it fits in my hands but feel free to use the 6" disk if that's what you have, 20 Bobbins (I use the small plastic EZ Bobbins - sort of optional - since the bracelet strands are relatively short sometimes I don't use the bobbins, however, if I am using a novelty Kumihimo cord that is plied, I find it is good to use the bobbins), Scissors, Tape Measure, Needle & Thread and Glue (I use WeldBond). WeldBond is available at some craft stores as well as Ace Hardware stores.

You will learn: 20-Strand Braid and how to turn it into a bracelet with finished ends and magnetic clasp.

You should know:  In this kit, I teach you the 20-strand braid structure. That being said, this is probably not a good place for a beginner to start although I have seen success with new braiders. It's probably a helps to have some experience. Proceed at you own risk. I have tested this pattern in classes as well as with individuals with no help. Some of the braiders were quite practiced and some braid only a couple of times a year. Everyone was successful. Everyone agrees "If you read the instructions from start to finish before you begin, it will be a cinch!"

Kit includes:
– Satin Cord
– Straight Magnetic Closure
– 6 1/2 pages of instructions with photos and diagrams